
Hello there! Of course, you need to know the prices. But what makes Blue Dolphin Graphics the best, is the pricing. We are extremely cheap, nearly half the price of every other GFX Sites. So, here they are:

Headers- 90 xats/8 days

Banner- 70 xats/6 days

Xat Inner BG- 70 xats/6 days

Xat Outer BG- 30 xats/2 days

Site BG- 25 xats/2 days

Xat Avatar(still)- 15 xats/1 day

Xat Avatar(animated)- 160 xats/12 days

Chat Rules- 40 xats/4 days

Custom Penguin- 150 xats/12 days

Buttons (Home, Join, Chat, Ranks,Nation, Uniform)- 90 xats/7 days

Extra Buttons- 5 xats each/1 day each


One coming soon ❗

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